while and do while loop in c#

In c# there are four different kind of loop. They are while, do while, for and for each loop. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about while and do while loop. There might come the time when we need to perform the certain action iteratively as long as the condition is true. This … Continue reading while and do while loop in c#

Types in C#

We can categories c# types into two category. They are: Value Type Reference Type Let’s discuss about them in brief. Value Types int, float, double, struct, enum  etc. Value types are non-nullable type which means they cannot be assigned with null value until we make them nullable. To make them nullable we can use “?” … Continue reading Types in C#

RequireJs Getting Started Guide

The sole goal of this tutorial is to provide you the fundamental idea about getting started with requireJs in your own project. Before Jumping towards requireJs, Let me tell you a scenario where I feel the need of requireJs. Scenario: I have been working with huge project of course having huge number of JavaScript file. … Continue reading RequireJs Getting Started Guide

Reporting using JsReport

Want to generate attractive report with few easy steps on your project? Here is the article that will surely help you for getting started with Jsreport with Asp.net Web API. Jsreport is an open source reporting software build on Nodejs and Mongodb. Reports in Jsreport can be defined using JavaScript templating engines (Jsrender and handlebar) and being … Continue reading Reporting using JsReport

What the heck is bower ?

Web Projects are made of lot of things like frameworks, libraries, utility and many more. Hey guys do you feel like manually managing front-end packages and dependencies required for your project is a boring task? I feel so. Just imagine if you have to use any package or dependency or utility (eg. JQuery) in your … Continue reading What the heck is bower ?